A web attack is a technique to exploit weaknesses on the website or in part of it. The attacks could affect the website’s content, web application or server. Websites provide a variety of opportunities for attackers. They could gain unauthorised access to a website as well as obtain confidential information or even introduce malicious content.

Attackers often search for vulnerabilities in a website’s content or structure to get access to data, take control of the website or cause harm to users. The most frequent attacks are brute force attacks or cross-site scripting (XSS) and attacks on file uploads. Other attacks are carried out via social engineering, such as phishing, or malware attacks like ransomware, worms, trojans, or spyware.

The most common attacks on websites attack the web application, made up of software and hardware that a website uses to show information to the visitors. Hackers can target a web application through its weaknesses, including SQL injection cross-site request forgery and reflection-based XSS.

SQL injection attacks target databases that web applications use to store and distribute content. These attacks could expose sensitive data, such as passwords, account logins and credit card numbers.

Cross-site scripting attacks exploit the flaws within a website’s code to display unauthorised images or text, hijack session details and redirect users to phishing sites. Reflective hacking the internet XSS lets an attacker execute any code.

A man-inthe-middle attack happens when a third party intercepts the communication between you and a web server. The third party is then able to modify the messages or spoof certificates, alter DNS responses and the list goes on. This is an effective way to alter online activities.

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