Datasite is a trusted virtual data room with powerful tools to help businesses close deals faster. It has a strong customer support system that allows customers to communicate with its representatives via chat, email or phone in up to 14 languages.

DataSite provides a cloud-based platform that helps with due diligence and helps investment bankers, M&A professionals and law firms close deals with folder indexing and file organization, as well as simple document retrieval. DataSite has granular access control that allows administrators to control who can access and edit files. The redaction feature of the platform automates due diligence by automatically identifying sensitive information with its image and text redaction.

Data encryption is accessible in both in transit and in the state of rest. A vulnerability assessment program lets independent experts test out the platform’s defenses. Datasite is HIPAA compliant and has an accredited ISO 27001 environment. The staff receives regular training in security requirements and annually confirms their code of conduct and confidentiality agreement.

Because of its capabilities, Datasite has been recognized as one of the most effective data rooms by industry analysts. It is used by a variety of companies, including financial services, legal services, oil and gas, banking as well as pharmaceuticals and healthcare and the technology sector. It is user-friendly, making it easy for users to upload documents and organize them into directories. Its sophisticated file upload and drag-and-drop features reduce the time required for data room preparation.

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